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Youth Advisory Council

Spectrum Space derives its mandate from the community it represents – we are passionate about listening to you!

Youth Advisory Council (YAC)

Youth Advisory Councils (YACs) are groups that actively seek to engage young people by involving them in decision making and give them a voice. YACs can run either formally or informally and meet on a regular basis.

The main aim of a YAC is youth engagement; giving young people a voice, an opportunity to discuss issues and topics important to them, and providing a space to be heard and understood. Young people are often not considered in government and organisational decision-making processes, resulting in decisions being made for them, rather than by them. Youth Advisory Councils give youth the ability to be active members of their communities and organisations they are involved in.

Spectrum Space has created a Youth Advisory Council for young people attending our social programs to provide a place where they can be themselves in an environment they feel most comfortable. Our YAC also acts as an important vehicle of governance for Spectrum Space to ensure participant voices are heard at all levels of the organisation. It allows young adults to discuss social issues they are facing and provides them with the skills and confidence to be able to overcome them. The Spectrum Space YAC is primarily youth run with some guidance from Spectrum Space staff. The council members and staff are involved in all aspects of the YAC; setting agendas, taking minutes and planning activities.

The Spectrum Space YAC provides:

  • A safe place
  • A sense of community
  • Opportunities to learn new skills
  • Discussions with like-minded individuals
  • Confidence building
  • A place to connect and build relationships
Tate Foundation

We are grateful to the Tate Family Foundation
for their support of the YAC.

If you are a current or past Spectrum Space participant and would like to join please email us on info@spectrumspace.org.au or call us on 08 9431 2111 for a chat.